遺伝的欠損がもたらす影響に苦しめられる: suffer the effects of a genetic defect 核戦争のもたらす影響に苦しむ: suffer the consequences of nuclear war テロ事件がもたらす影響: repercussions from the terrorist attacks 情報化がもたらす影響: influence exerted by informatization 遺伝的欠陥: genetic defect 差別に苦しめられる: be subject to discrimination 景気低迷に苦しめられる: be plagued by economic stagnation 自責の念に苦しめられる: 1. be afflicted by a guilty conscience 2. be tormented by remorse 貧乏に苦しめられる: be distressed by poverty ビジネス環境の変化がもたらす影響: impact of changes in the business environment 左翼的な思想がもたらす影響: leftist influence 影響に苦しむ: suffer the consequences たびたびのどの痛みに苦しめられる: suffer from frequent sore throats による訴訟に苦しめられる: be stung by a lawsuit brought by〔人?団体〕 今年のインフルエンザに苦しめられる: be plagued by this year's flu virus