- be uncompromising with one's subordinates
不当に厳しい: 【形】 oppressive
息子に厳しい: be stern with one's son
時間に厳しい: strict about time
生徒に厳しい: 1. be stern to one's pupils 2. be strict with one's pupils
自分に厳しい: 1. be strict with oneself 2. hard on oneself
規則に厳しい: 【形】 martinetish
過度に厳しい: excessively severe
しつけに厳しい: severe in one's upbringing
時間厳守に厳しい: be strict on punctuality
犯罪に厳しい州: tough-on-crime state
税制的に厳しい: 【形】 financially-strapped
自分に厳しい人: self-disciplined person
財政的に厳しい: 1. face financial difficulties 2. financially tough 3. have trouble with finances
非常に厳しい人: dragon
非常に厳しい環境: extreme environment