as the introduction of these learnings progressed , a perception developed , whereby , to " predict the future and receive guidance for everything concerning human life by studying the movements and positions of nichigetsuseishin (the sun , the moon , and the stars ) and to judge good , bad , auspicious or harmful signs based upon the principles of gogyo and the way of productive and conflicting relationships in the natural world " became important and greater faith in the principles of inyo gogyo as a measure used to establish codes of conduct by judging good and bad fortunes . 諸学の導入が進むと、日本においては『日月星辰の運行・位置を考え五行思想相生相克の理による吉凶禍福を判じて未来を占い、人事百般の指針を得る』ことが重要であると考えられるようになり、吉凶を判断し行動規範を得るための方策として陰陽五行思想が重視されることとなった。