野球見に行きたい。: I want to go to a baseball game. テニスをしに行きたいですか?。: Do you want to go play tennis? トイレに行きたい。: I want to go to the bathroom. トイレに行きたい 1 1. I need a restroom break. 2. I need to go to the crapper. トイレに行きたい 2 I need to powder my nose.〔女性の言葉〕 私、東大に行きたい。: I want to go to Todai. 行きたい所に行く: go where one wants to どこに行きたいですか?/行きたい場所は?: Where do you want to go? 友達が外で野球をしようと誘ってきた: My friends asked me to come outside to play baseball. いつかそこに行きたい: hope to be there someday ぜひ(人)と一緒に行きたい: would love to go with また学校に行きたい?: Are you ready to go back to school? トイレに行きたい 1: 1. I need a restroom break. 2. I need to go to the crapper. トイレに行きたい 2 I need to powder my nose.〔女性の言葉〕 トイレに行きたい。 I want to go to the bathroom. トイレに行きたいです。: I've got to pee. パパ、私東大に行きたいの。: Dad, I want to go to Todai. 今日は泳ぎに行きたい: I want to go swimming today. 今週末、映画を見に行きたい?: Do you want to go see a movie this weekend?