- prick one's finger with a needle
彼女は針で指を刺した: She pricked her finger on the needle.
針で~を刺す: use a needle to puncture (針で)~を刺す 【他動】 sting
(針で)~を刺す: 【他動】 sting 針で~を刺す use a needle to puncture
バラのとげで指をちくりと刺す: prick one's finger on a rose thorn
~を刺す: give someone a sting on〔人の〕
針で刺す: 針で刺す はりでさす to prick with a needle
針で刺す 1: prick with a needle 針で刺す 2 【自他動】 pinprick
針で刺すこと: pinprick
尻を刺す: stab someone in the butt〔人の〕
急所を刺す: stab someone's vital part〔人の〕
櫛を刺す: wear a comb
止めを刺す: 止めを刺す とどめをさす to put an end to to finish by a stab in the neck
画鋲を刺す: push in a thumbtack
盗塁を刺す: catch stealing《野球》〔キャッチャーが〕
短剣を刺す: drive a dagger in〔~に〕