- Cast iron will cool rapidly.
韓国は急速に工業化した: Korea industrialized rapidly.
急速に増える: 1. multiply rapidly 2. quickly multiply
急速に衰える: rapidly diminish
タイプライターは急速に廃れつつある: Typewriters are rapidly becoming obsolete.
品質の差は急速に縮まっている。: The quality gap is closing fast.
若い細胞は急速に増殖した: The young cells quickly multiplied.
急速に: 急速に adv. **quickly すぐに, 敏速に∥ They [People] say the HIV infectious disease is spreading quickly. HIV感染症が急速に広がってきているそうだ *rapidly 速く, 急速に, 迅速に, 急いで《◆ quickly, fast より堅い語》 speedily 急速に;ただちに, すみやかに
でも、犯罪発生率は急速に上がっているのよ。: But the crime rate is going up fast.
冷える: 冷える ひえる to grow cold to get chilly to cool down
急速可鍛鋳鉄: 急速可鍛鋳鉄 quick malleable iron[金属]
急速に 1: 1. at a fast [rapid] clip 2. at a good [robust] clip 3. at a staggering rate of speed 4. at dizzying speed 5. at high speed 6. at speed 7. at warp speed 8. by leaps and bounds 9. like anything [ever
急速に凍る: freeze quickly
急速に引く: pull quickly
きんきんに冷えた: 【形】 1. cold 2. icy
その会社は急速に日本での最優良企業となりつつある: The firm is fast becoming one of the best in Japan.