- precondition for long-term or large-scale private investment
持続的な民間投資: sustained private investment in〔~への〕
商取引の前提条件: prerequisite for conducting business
必須の前提条件: essential prerequisite
民間投資の削減: reduction of private investment
民間投資の流れ: flow of private Investment
円滑な実施の前提条件: prerequisite for the smooth implementation of〔~の〕
民間投資のてこ入れ: leveraging of private investment
前提条件: 前提条件 ぜんていじょうけん precondition
前提条件 1: 1. postulate 2. prerequisite 3. prior condition 前提条件 2 prerequisite for〔~の〕
この地域には大規模な開発計画がある: have a large-scale development project in this area
前提条件がたくさんある: full of ifs
直接的あるいは間接的に: either directly or indirectly
民間投資: 1. investment from the private sector 2. private investment
絶対前提条件: absolute precondition
新たな民間投資や消費を喚起する: awaken new private investment and consumption