唯一の欠点: only fault 週1度のギャンブルが私の唯一の道楽だ: Gambling once a week is my only indulgence. その映画の唯一の欠点は、物語があまりに急に終わったことだった: The only shortcoming in the film was that it ended too soon. 成長の唯一の源: sole source of growth ~と…との唯一の接点: one's only contact with 唯一の欠席者: only absentee 私の唯一無二の友: my one and only friend その回の唯一の得点: only point for the inning《野球》 国の唯一の立法機関: sole law-making organ of state 慈善団体の唯一の目的: single aim of a charity 金が現在の唯一の問題だ。: Cash is the only problem right now. 誰かの欠点だと考える: think of ~ as a flaw in someone〔~を〕 その地域の唯一の交通機関: the only traffic in the area 共存の唯一の代替は共に滅びることだ。: The only alternative to coexistence is co-destruction.〔インドの初代首相でIndira Gandhiの父Jawaharlal Nehru(1889-1964)の名言〕 嘆かわしい話の唯一の救い: only redeeming feature of the sad story