- DO NOT BLOCK GATE〔道路標識;《掲》〕
横断歩道をふさぐな、横断歩道で停車するな: DO NOT BLOCK CROSSWALK〔道路標識;《掲》〕
交差点をふさぐな、交差点内で停車するな、人の横断を妨げるな: DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION〔道路;《掲》〕
口をふさぐ: silence someone's tongue〔脅しなどで〕〔人の〕
目をふさぐ: cover one's eyes at〔~に〕
腺をふさぐ: block the gland
道をふさぐ: 1. bar the path 2. bar the way 3. block (up) a passage 4. block a road 5. get [stand] in someone's way 6. lie in the way
間をふさぐ: fill up a crack with〔~ですき〕
停車する: 1. make a stop 2. pull in
急停車する: 1. bring to a sudden stop 2. come to a sudden [an abrupt] stop [halt] 3. make a sudden stop 4. put apply the emergency brake 5. put on the emergency brake 6. slam on one's brakes 7. stamp on the bra
あなをふさぐ: あなをふさぐ 穴を塞ぐ to fill a hole with earth
みみをふさぐ: みみをふさぐ 耳を塞ぐ to stop (plug) one's ears
出口をふさぐ: block the exit
場所をふさぐ: 1. occupy [take (up)] too much space 2. occupy a great deal of space 3. occupy room 4. occupy space 5. take up a lot of room
歩道をふさぐ: block a sidewalk
気道をふさぐ: block the airways