- 【形】
1. asepticus
2. rotproof
3. sorbic
- many fillings are excellent with white rice and have a strong taste (also in the sense of preservation ).
防腐: 防腐 ぼうふ preservation embalmment
豆腐の角: corner of a cake of tofu
防腐剤: 防腐剤 ぼうふざい antiseptic
防腐材: preservatived wood
防腐法: antisepsis
防腐薬: antiseptic
豆腐の水気を切る: drain a tofu
人工防腐剤: artificial preservative
尿路防腐薬: urinary antiseptic
局所防腐剤: topical antiseptic agent
局所防腐薬: topical antiseptic agent
散布防腐薬: antiseptic dusting powder
木材防腐: wood preservation
木材防腐剤: wood preservative
木材防腐油: 木材防腐油 wood preserving oil[機械]