bojutsu has been practiced widely without regard for status and class because of its character , and a lot of schools have appeared in various places of japan . 棒術はその特性上、身分、階層を問わず広く修練されており、日本各地に多くの流派が存在した。
階層を問わず社会全体に見られる問題: problem at all levels of society 年齢層を問わずに発症する: develop at any age 年齢層を問わず広く普及している: be common among people of all ages 世代を問わず: regardless of age 党派を問わず: irrespective of party affiliation 場所を問わず: 1. everywhere and anywhere without discrimination 2. regardless of location 多少を問わず: regardless of quantity 季節を問わず: 1. in (season) and out of season 2. in all seasons 学力を問わず: regardless of previous schooling 学歴を問わず: regardless of previous schooling 年齢を問わず: at any age 性別を問わず: regardless of gender 有無を問わず: regardless of the possibility of〔~の〕 生死を問わず: 【副】 dead or alive 男女を問わず: 1. men and women alike 2. regardless of gender 3. regardless of sex