- complain about one's noisy neighbor to the landlord
いびきがうるさいと文句を言う: complain about someone's snoring〔人の〕
近所の騒音に苦情を言う: complain about the noises in one's neighborhood
~について(人)に苦情を言う: complain to someone of
苦情を言う: 苦情を言う v. *complain |自| 【D】 [SV about [of] O] O(物?事)について〔…に〕(正式に)訴える, 苦情を言う〔to〕《◆ be complained about の受身は可能》∥ If you make such a noise, you'll have the neighbors complaining. もしそんな音を立てると近所の人が苦情を
隣の部屋がうるさいのですが。: The room next door is too noisy.《旅/ホテル/文句?苦情》
苦情を言う 1: 1. lift up one's voice 2. make objections 3. raise [lift] one's voice 4. raise difficulties 5. ventilate grievances 苦情を言う 2 【自動】 1. complain 2. quarrel 苦情を言う 3 stick it to〔~に〕 苦情を言う 4 make a co
正当な根拠なしに苦情を言う: complain without just cause
好みがうるさい: 1. be chary about 2. be picky [choosy] about〔~の〕
趣味がうるさい: 【形】 picky〈米話〉〔 【語源】 pick + y〕
大家の女性は騒音のことで店子たちに苦情を言った: The landlady complained to the tenants about the noise.
うるさい隣人に対して不平を言う: make a complaint against a noisy neighbor
ささいなことでうるさく不平を言う: make a noise about trifles
隣の部屋の客がうるさいんです。ほかの部屋に移れますか?: The people next door are noisy. Can I change to another room?
交通の騒音がうるさい: be noisy with the traffic
服の好みがうるさい: have fastidious taste in clothes