コンサートが始まるとすぐに雨が降り始めた。: The moment the concert started, it began to rain. ~になると決めるとすぐに: as soon as someone decides to be〔人が〕 ~になると決心するとすぐに: as soon as someone decides to be〔人が〕 ~になると決意するとすぐに: as soon as someone decides to be〔人が〕 すぐに(人)のところへ誰かをやる: send someone somebody right away すぐに(人)のところへ誰かをよこす: send someone somebody right away すぐに(人)のところへ誰かを行かせる: send someone somebody right away 天気が良くなるとすぐに: as soon as the weather improved 厄よけになる: 1. come between ~ and dangers 2. come between ~ and evils 3. protect someone against danger 雨が降りだす前に、屋根を葺きなさい。/物事が順調な間に、危機に備えよ。: Thatch your roof before the rain begins.〔"a thatched roof"は、かやで葺いた屋根。〕 帰るとすぐに: once home 見るとすぐに: on sight 20歳になるとすぐに2~3年兵役を経験する: go through two to three years of military service upon reaching the age of 20 目を離すとすぐに: as soon as someone's back is turned〔人が〕 雨が降り注ぐ: rain pours