- The rain brought out the full misery of her arthritis.
歯が激しく痛む: feel a severe pain in one's tooth
妊娠のせいで疲労が激しい: be exhausted by pregnancy
高熱のせいで彼女は軽い幻覚を見た: Her high fever caused mild hallucinations.
激しく痛む 1: ache severely 激しく痛む 2 【自動】 1. kill 2. stound
頸部の関節炎: arthritis of the neck
骨盤の痛みのせいで、彼は座るのにひと苦労した: Because of the pain in his pelvis, he had trouble sitting.
呼吸に伴う痛みが激しくない場合は: when breathing becomes less painful
著しく痛みが強い: be an extremely painful
支配的な父親のせいで彼は弱い人間だ: He's a weak person because of his domineering father.
彼女はすべての関節に、ひどい関節炎を患っていた: She suffered from bad arthritis in all of her joints.
アルコール依存症のせいで急性膵炎が起こる: develop acute pancreatitis because of alcoholism
雨のせいで遠足に行けなかった: Rain balked our plan for an excursion.
激しく痛めつける: 1. beat [pummel, pommel] ~ to a jelly〈主に英〉 2. beat seven shades of shit out of〈卑〉 3. beat someone to snuff [a jelly, a mummy, a pulp] 4. beat the shit [crap, hell, bejabbers, bejesus, devil, stuffin
年のせいで: with (the) age
~のせいで 1: 1. all along of 2. along of 3. at the hands of 4. because of 5. courtesy of 6. due to 7. owing to ~のせいで 2 【形】 owing〔 【用法】 owing to の形で〕 ~のせいで 3 【前】 with