頑迷な人: 頑迷な人 n. bigot 【C】 [けなして] (宗教?政治?人種に関して)頑迷な人. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 頑迷)
頑迷な: 頑迷な adj. obstinate; bigoted (見出しへ戻る headword ? 頑迷)
了見の狭い頑迷な人: narrow-minded bigot
頑迷な 1: 1. stupid and obstinate 2. stupid and stubborn 頑迷な 2 【形】 1. bigoted 2. hard-hat 3. opinionated 4. wrong-headed
頑迷な意見: bigoted opinion
頑迷な敵: inexorable enemy
頑迷な気質: perverse disposition
そんな人たち: such people
元気な人たち: active person
古風な人たち: few crusted characters
惨めな人たち: miserable people
愉快な人たち: fun people
愚鈍な人たち: dull heads
立派な人たち: 1. fine folk 2. fine set of men
野蛮な人たち: barbaric people