- I've a headache and a toothache, and a cough into the bargain.
ひどい頭痛で: with a severe headache
頭痛で苦しむ: suffer the misery of a headache
おまけに: おまけに 御負けに お負けに to make matters worse besides
おまけに 1: 1. and what is more 2. as a bonus 3. as well 4. in [into] the bargain 5. in addition 6. on the side 7. to boot 8. to make matters worse 9. to top things off 10. what is worse おまけに 2 【接続】 while
おまけに~だ: and ~ into the bargain
~のおまけに: on top of
突然の頭痛で発症する: begin abruptly with a headache
頭痛でアスピリンを飲む: take aspirin for the headache
おまけにする: throw in ~ for free〔~を〕
苦痛で叫ぶ: cry in pain
苦痛で泣く: whimper in pain
頭痛で医者に診てもらった: I consulted a doctor for headache.
腰痛で苦しむ: suffer backache
苦痛でゆがむ: be distorted in agony
苦痛でわめく: bellow with pain