determine whether contractions of the esophagus [oesophagus] can propel food normally
食道の下方に食物を推進させる: propel food down the esophagus [oesophagus] 食道の下方に食物を進ませる: propel food down the esophagus [oesophagus] いすを前に押し出す: thrust a chair forward 筋肉収縮のリズミカルな波で胃に食物を押し出す: propel food to the stomach with rhythmic waves of muscular contractions 食道の収縮運動: contraction of the esophagus [oesophagus] 食道を通して食物を押し出す: move food through the esophagus [oesophagus] 国民の納税義務が正しく行われているか調べる: seek the proper fulfillment of the public's taxpaying duty 正常に収縮していない食道の部分を見る: view portions of the esophagus [oesophagus] that aren't contracting normally〔バリウム検査〕 良い点を前面に押し出す: accentuate the positive 食道を刺激して正常に収縮させる: stimulate the esophagus [oesophagus] to contract normally 口に食物を押し込む: 1. cram food into one's mouth 2. stuff food into one's mouth 頭を後ろに傾けあごを前に押し出して気道を広げる: open the airway by tipping the head and pushing the jaw forward 頭を後ろに傾けあごを前に押し出して気道を開ける: open the airway by tipping the head and pushing the jaw forward 頭を後方にそらしあごを前に押し出して気道を広げる: open the airway by tipping the head and pushing the jaw forward 頭を後方にそらしあごを前に押し出して気道を開ける: open the airway by tipping the head and pushing the jaw forward