Drinking water and emergency rations were sent to the affected area.
被災地域: 1. area of distress 2. ruined area 空襲被災地域: bomb site 被災地域に緊急医療チームを派遣する: send an emergency medical team to the stricken region 緊急食料配給所: emergency food outlet 被災地: 被災地 ひさいち area struck (by some disaster) location of a disaster 緊急食料援助への依存: dependence on emergency food aid 飲料水: 飲料水 いんりょうすい drinking water 洪水被災地: flooded district 被災地区: stricken area [district] 緊急食糧: emergency food 不要な情報が次々と送られてくる: be bombarded with unnecessary information 必要のない情報が次々と送られてくる: be bombarded with unnecessary information 次々と送られてくるデータ: continuous streams of data 世界の被災地にさらに多くの食料を提供する: contribute more food to international disaster sites 地震の被災地: quake-devastated region