plead guilty to grand larceny charges for stealing $__ from〔人から〕
有罪を認める: plead guilty 罪を認める: 1. admit one's guilt 2. admit the charges 3. admit to the charges 4. admit to the crimes 5. own one's guilt 6. plead guilty 7. plead no contest to the charge 有罪を認めない: plead not guilty 彼は強欲に負け、1万ドルを盗んだ: His avarice got the better of him and he stole $10,000. 軽罪を認める: plead guilty to a misdemeanor 残りの半額について(人)に対してもう_日間の延長を認める: allow someone another __ days for remaining half 残りの半額について(人)に対してもう_日間の猶予を認める: allow someone another __ days for remaining half 病欠を認めることについてかなり寛大な: pretty generous about granting sick leave 対する罪を認める: own [fess] up to the charges against〔人に〕 戦争犯罪を認める: acknowledge one's war crimes 潔く罪を認める: frankly admit one's guilt 起訴状での自分に対する嫌疑について説明を受ける: be made aware of the charges against one in the indictment 政府の金を_ドル盗んだという罪を否認する: deny charges of stealing __ dollars in government money 公金の_ドルを盗む: steal __ dollars in public funds その情事について認める: admit to the affair