_%の得票差で敗れる: lose by __% of the vote
_%の得票差で敗北する: lose by __%age points
_打差で勝つ: win with a __-stroke lead《ゴルフ》
_対_で勝つ 1: 1. win a game by __ points to __ 2. win by __ against __ _対_で勝つ 2 skate off with a __-__ victory《アイスホッケー》
~に_対_で勝つ: beat ~ __ to __
_対_の票差で~を採択する: vote __-__ in favor of
最小の票差で勝つ: win by the closest margin
わずか_票差で選挙に勝つ: 1. clinch election by a mere __ votes 2. win an election by only __ votes
pk戦の末_対_で勝つ: earn the victory __-__, in a penalty shootout《サッカー》
_メートルの差で勝つ: win by __ meters
_点差で~に勝つ: beat ~ by __ goals
僅差で勝つ: 僅差で勝つ v. edge out [他]《米》(人)に僅差で勝つ, 辛勝する. (見出しへ戻る headword ? 僅差)
大差で勝つ: 大差で勝つ v. outclass |他| ;win by a wide margin (選挙で)大差で勝つ (見出しへ戻る headword ? 大差)
差で勝つ: edge out〔~にわずかの〕
_票差で否決される: fail by __ votes