所得税の脱税: 1. evading income tax 2. income tax evasion 彼は、所得税の脱税容疑で有罪になった: He was found guilty of income tax evasion. _年に及ぶ事件: __-year affair _年に及ぶ在任中: during __ years in office 法人税の脱税: evading corporation tax 10年に及ぶ: 【形】 decade-long 所得税脱税者: income tax evader _年に及ぶ捜査の後に: after a __-year investigation _年に及ぶ歴史の中で: in __ years of history _年に及ぶ~の歴史で初めて: for the first time in the __-year history of 所得税の免税: income tax exemptions 所得税の延納: deferred payment of income tax 所得税の減額: decrease of income tax 所得税の申告: tax return 所得税の納期: deadline for paying one's income tax