- advocate early adoption of the fiscal __ budget
予算の早期成立: early passage of the budget
新年度予算の成立: passage of the budget for the next fiscal year
独立を主張する: 1. assert one's independence 2. claim independence
自立を主張する: assert one's independence
早期成立を訴える: call for quick Parliamentary approval of〔~の〕
祖国独立を主張する: advocate independence for one's ancestral homeland
新年度予算の通過: passage of the budget for the next fiscal year
議会に対して減税法案の早期成立を促す: push Congress to pass tax reduction legislation quickly
を主張する: 1. confirm that 2. insist that 3. make a point that〔that以下〕
_年度予算の大蔵原案をまとめる: compile a draft budget for fiscal
_年度予算案審議: deliberation of the budget for fiscal
来年度予算の大蔵原案: government-approved draft budget for the next fiscal year
来年度予算の概算要求: ministerial budget requests for the coming fiscal year
来年度予算の編成作業: work to draft the budget for the next fiscal year
強く~を主張する: strongly advocate