- during the __-year drawdown period
貸出実行: loan draw down
貸出実行額: loan actually made
過去_年間の輸出実績: actual exports in the past __ years
実行期間: implementation term of〔~の〕
_年間の免税期間: __-year tax holiday
貸出期間中にわたる上限金利: life-of-loan cap
_年間の鎮静期間の後で: after __ years in remission
一定期間中に: during a specified period
保存期間中に: during the dating period of〔~の〕
在任期間中に: 1. during someone's time in office 2. in office
妊娠期間中に: during the course of gestation
寒冷期間中に: during the cold months
特売期間中に: during a sale
生殖期間中に: during reproductive years
発生期間中に: during the developmental period