- finish in __ seconds and earn the gold medal in record time
_秒の新記録で金メダルを獲得する: finish in __ seconds and earn the gold medal in record time
大会新記録で: in a meet record of〔~の〕
~で_位に入る: finish __th in
_%の新記録を更新する: hit a new record high of __%
_投目で_メートルの大会新記録で逆転する: overcome the mark with a meet-record toss of __ on one's __th throw《スポーツ》
オリンピック新記録で: in a new Olympic best time
通算_アンダーで3位に入る: finish at __-under in a third-place《ゴルフ》
新記録: 新記録 しんきろく new record (in sports, etc.)
世界でトップ_位に入る野手: the top __ position players in the world
総収益で映画史上_位に入る一作となる: become one of the __ highest-grossing films in the history of motion pictures
_メートル競争で(人)に次いで2位に入る: finish second behind someone in the __ meters
上位_%に入る: rank in the top __% of〔~で〕
に入る 1: lead in に入る 2 head inbound on〔街など〕
中に入る 1: 1. come in 2. go on in 3. go within 4. walk in 中に入る 2 1. cross [pass] the threshold (of) 2. go between〔~の〕 中に入る 3 check into〔記名して建物などの〕
家に入る 1: 1. come in 2. come into the house 3. get in the house 家に入る 2 gain entry into a house by〔~で〕