_週間以内に: in less than __ weeks 使用から_週間以内に: within __ weeks of using〔~の〕 術後_週間以内に: within __ weeks postoperatively 今から_時間以内に: within the next __ hours 最初の支払いから_週間以内に: within __ weeks of the first payment being made 必要品を在庫から提供する: supply the goods required from stock 1週間以内に: inside of a week 2週間以内に: within a fortnight 数週間以内に: within weeks 治療開始後_週間以内に: during the first __ weeks of therapy _週間以内に控えて: with ~ less than __ weeks away〔~を〕 注文を_週間以内に船積みする: have someone's order shipped within __ weeks〔人の〕 治療開始から1週間以内に: within the first week of treatment 症状発現から1週間以内に: within a week of when symptoms start 連絡を受けてから_週間以内にすべての苦情を処理する: handle all complaints within __ weeks of reaching〔~で〕