のどに引っかかる: stick in one's throat [gullet]
木に引っかかる: catch in the tree
魚網に引っかかる: get tangled in fishing nets
引っかかる 1: 1. get held up〈英〉 2. get hung up〈米〉 3. get stuck on 4. rise to the bait 引っかかる 2 【自動】 jam 引っかかる 3 1. get stuck with 2. hook into〔~に〕
うそ発見器テストに引っかかる: fail a lie detector test
さまざまな詐欺に引っかかる: fall prey to a variety of con games
多種多様な詐欺に引っかかる: fall prey to a variety of con games
法律の第8条に引っかかるよ。: You're gonna have trouble with legal on eight.
脳に通じる小血管に引っかかる: lodge in the small blood vessels leading to the brain
自分のアンテナに引っかかる: make one's antenna go up〔何かが気になること〕〔主語が〕
すぐ引っかかる男: pullover〈俗〉
引っかかるペン: scratchy pen
税関で引っかかる: fail to make it through customs
自動改札に引っかかった。: I got stopped by the automatic ticket wicket.
むざむざと引っかかる: 1. be deceived easily 2. be easily deceived