愛なしでもうまくやっていける: can get on very well without love とてもうまくやっている 1: be cooking with gasoline とてもうまくやっている 2 get on very [quite] well (with)〔人と〕 うまくやっていく 1: 1. get on 2. get on well 3. get on with one another 4. go on 5. hack it 6. hit it off (well) 7. make out うまくやっていく 2 make a go of (it)〔関係を〕 うまくやっていく 3 1. get on swimmingly with 2. live with 3. spea両方とうまくやっていく: get on with both sides 他人とうまくやっていく: get on easily with others 同僚とうまくやっていく: get on well with one's fellow workers 君が新しい学校でとてもうまくやっていると聞いてうれしいよ: I'm delighted to hear you're doing so well at your new school. とてもうまくいく: 1. produce an excellent result 2. work out so well どこででもうまくやっていけるタイプの人: the type of person who would fit in anywhere 誰とでもうまくやっていける自信がつく: gain the confidence to be able to get on well with any person 関してとてもうまくやる: be very smart about〔~に〕 うまくやっていくこつを知っている: secret of getting along with〔人と〕 おせじを使ってうまくやっていく: oil one's way ~なしでやっていく: 1. be able to do without 2. get along without 3. go without 彼らは、社交上でも仕事の面でもうまくやっていけるだろう。: They'll be able to get along both socially and in business.