数時間後に 1: 1. a few hours later 2. after a few hours 3. several hours later 数時間後に 2 several hours after〔~の〕 数時間後に 3 only hours after〔~のほんの〕
2時間後に会える?: Can I meet you in a couple of hours?
2週間後に: a couple of weeks later
2~3時間後にまた来る: come back in a couple of hours
~の2週間後: a couple of weeks after
早ければ1~2週間後に: as little as a week or two away
勤務時間後に: after hours
執務時間後に: after office
就業時間後に: after office hours
~の2~3日から_週間後に生じる: develop a few days to __ weeks after〔症状などが〕
~の2~3日から_週間後に起こる: develop a few days to __ weeks after〔症状などが〕
丸1週間後に: a full week after〔~の〕
今から_時間後に: __ hours from now
分娩の_時間後に: after the first __ hours following delivery
数時間後に現れる: become evident hours after〔反応などが〕〔~から〕