患者の間に感染が広がる: lead to widespread infection among patients 一般国民の間にボランティア意識が広がる: Volunteer consciousness begin to spread to the general public 不信感が広がる火付け役となる: spark widespread mistrust in〔~への〕 景気の先行き不透明感が広がる: Economic uncertainty prevails. 細菌がもたらす脅威へ不安感が広がる: raise concerns about the threat posed by a microbe 応用が広がる: expand in application 格差が広がる: the gap widens 栽培が広がる: widely cultivated, become 笑みが広がる: one's smile gets wider 耕作が広がる: widely cultivated, become 視野が広がる: get a broader point of view 警戒感: 1. feeling of control 2. sense of caution 3. sense of vigilance うわさが広がる: go around on the gravevine 不安が広がる中で: amid uncertainty 国際交流が広がる: international exchange spreads