demonstrate the potential for peaceful co-existence between
共存の可能性を調べる: investigate the possibility of the co-existence of〔~の〕 の可能性を示す: indicate the possibility that〔that以下〕 平和的共存へ向けた方針を示す: lay out a path towards peaceful coexistence of〔~の〕 平和的共存のビジョン: vision of the peaceful coexistence 脳卒中の可能性を示す: symptoms that indicate a possible stroke 平和的国家再建の可能性を高める: increase the possibility of a peaceful rebuilding of the nation aとbの平和的共存: state of peaceful coexistence between 1回の性行為における受精の可能性を減らす: reduce the chances of a fertilization with one episode of making love 経済政策変更の可能性を示す: signal a possible shift in one's economic policy の可能性を退ける: dismiss the possibility that〔that以下〕 その地域における武力衝突の可能性: potential for violence in the region 非戦闘地域における武器使用の可能性: possible use of weapons in noncombat areas 諸国民の間における平和と安全を害する: disturb peace and security among peoples の可能性を示唆する: suggest the possibility that〔that以下〕 しばしば重篤な疾患の可能性を示す症状: symptom that often indicates the possibility of a serious illness