典型的な例を示す: show a typical example ~感染症の典型的な症状を示す: display classic symptoms of ~ infection 典型的な偏狭振りを示す: display the typical narrow-mindedness 典型的な徴候を示す: present with the classic signs of〔~という〕 その時代の典型的な形式: a typical style of the era その時代の典型的な様式: 1. a typical style of the era 2. typical style of the period その時期の典型的な様式: typical style of the period その病気の典型的な症状: typical symptom of the illness [disease] その統計の典型的な例だ: be typical of the statistic 免疫系の典型的な反応: typical response of the immune system 利口な人の典型的な反応: typical response of the clever person 片思いの典型的な例: classic case of one-sided love 賢い人の典型的な反応: typical response of the clever person 具体的な例を示す: give a concrete example …の典型的な例として位置付ける: focus on ~ as a typical example of〔~を〕