- scopeの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. They are in the middle of a large - scope project.
  2. They were five specks of grit on the scanner - scope.
  3. The Piketberg Bio - scope building was built in the late 1920s.
  4. This was connected to a small B - Scope display in the cockpit.
  5. Reflected signals were displayed on two B - scopes.


  1. "- mycin"の例文
  2. "- nuclear fusion"の例文
  3. "- out of asia"の例文
  4. "- parallel universes"の例文
  5. "- scape"の例文
  6. "- scopic"の例文
  7. "- scopy"の例文
  8. "- seated"の例文
  9. "- seater"の例文
  10. "- sect"の例文
  11. "- parallel universes"の例文
  12. "- scape"の例文
  13. "- scopic"の例文
  14. "- scopy"の例文

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