0 degreesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The freezer should be at 0 degrees F . or below.
  2. Raw poultry held at a temperature of 0 degrees or below.
  3. In winter they can drop to 0 degrees with strong frost.
  4. Day 1 is 0 degrees Celsius, therefore 273 degrees Kelvin.
  5. Regarding the comment about 360 being the same as 0 degrees.


  1. ".中国"の例文
  2. "0"の例文
  3. "0 1 4 6"の例文
  4. "0 but true"の例文
  5. "0 calories"の例文
  6. "0 fucks given"の例文
  7. "0 gauge"の例文
  8. "0 iron"の例文
  9. "0 is even"の例文
  10. "0 january"の例文
  11. "0 but true"の例文
  12. "0 calories"の例文
  13. "0 fucks given"の例文
  14. "0 gauge"の例文

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