01 seriesの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. He made his international debut during the 2000 / 01 series against Zimbabwe.
  2. The last remaining 01 series trains are scheduled to be withdrawn on 10 March 2017.
  3. The fleet of 38 Tokyo Metro 01 series sets was scheduled to be replaced by fiscal 2015.
  4. Waugh led a 5-0 sweep over the West Indies in Australia in the 2000-01 series.
  5. Dalpat is the first cousin of Danish Kaneria, who made his Test debut for Pakistan in the 2000 01 series against England.


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  11. "01 gallery"の例文
  12. "01 level"の例文
  13. "010"の例文
  14. "01011001"の例文

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