

    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. FOR MORE INFORMATION on Project Rachel, call ( 513 ) 784-0531
  2. Vermont _ ( 802 ) 229-0531.
  3. At 0531 hrs " U-407 " fired a stern-tube torpedo at her but missed.
  4. The quake struck at 6 : 31 a . m . ( 0531 GMT ) and its epicenter was southwest of mainland Portugal, according to the institute's seismology department.
  5. On September 24, 2008, Edlich and 11 health professionals submitted a Citizen s Petition to the FDA to ban cornstarch on medical gloves ( FDA-2008-P-0531 ).


  1. "052c型"の例文
  2. "052c型防空导弹驱逐舰"の例文
  3. "052c型驱逐舰"の例文
  4. "052型驱逐舰"の例文
  5. "0530"の例文
  6. "0532"の例文
  7. "0532团购网"の例文
  8. "0533"の例文
  9. "0534"の例文
  10. "0535"の例文
  11. "052型驱逐舰"の例文
  12. "0530"の例文
  13. "0532"の例文
  14. "0532团购网"の例文

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