0845 numberの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3
  1. Ofcom changed their mind and the status of 0845 numbers wasn't changed.
  2. I wanted to find the cost of dialling an 0845 number but I gave up.
  3. The hotline was one of the first to move to the new local-rate 0845 numbers in 1996.
  4. Some operators began to include 0845 numbers in their calling plans, but others-including mobile operators-did not.
  5. It was anticipated that 0845 numbers would also lose their revenue share, leading BT to prematurely include these numbers within call plans.


  1. "0830"の例文
  2. "0831"の例文
  3. "0832"の例文
  4. "0833"の例文
  5. "0838"の例文
  6. "0851"の例文
  7. "0852"の例文
  8. "0853"の例文
  9. "0858"の例文
  10. "0870"の例文
  11. "0833"の例文
  12. "0838"の例文
  13. "0851"の例文
  14. "0852"の例文

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