

    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. Route 44 / 55, Gardiner, ( 845 ) 255-0919; www . mohonkpreserve . org.
  2. The bomb went off at 11 : 19 a . m . ( 0919 GMT ) during a trial, TT said.
  3. The bomb went off at 11 : 19 a . m . ( 0919 GMT ) during a trial, the news agency TT said.
  4. Villas International, 605 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif . 94105; ( 415 ) 281-0910; fax ( 415 ) 281-0919.
  5. COXNET TRAVEL 0919 : RETURN TO MAYBERRY-- Mount Airy, N . C ., has become a quiet mecca for cultists of black-and-white TV reruns and archaeologists of 1960s innocence.


  1. "090423伽玛暴"の例文
  2. "0908"の例文
  3. "0913"の例文
  4. "0914"の例文
  5. "0917"の例文
  6. "091型攻击型核潜艇"の例文
  7. "091型核潜艇"の例文
  8. "092村"の例文
  9. "092型核潜艇"の例文
  10. "092型潜艇"の例文
  11. "0914"の例文
  12. "0917"の例文
  13. "091型攻击型核潜艇"の例文
  14. "091型核潜艇"の例文

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