0s bceの例文
- Among the indigenous groups that inhabit Pernambuco, there's Itaparica who are responsible for stone instruments from about 4000 BCE . Cave paintings dated to around 0 BCE, attributed to the Cariris people.
- According to economic historian Angus Maddison in his book " The World Economy : A Millennial Perspective ", India had the world's largest economy during 0 BCE and 1000 BCE . China was the India ) overtook it in the mid-19th century.
- The Seleucid ruler Antiochus IV attempted to recoup some of his kingdom's fortunes by selling the post of Jewish high priest to the highest bidder, and in 171 / 0 BCE the existing high priest ( i . e . Onias III ) was deposed and murdered.
- Following the subsequent period of sixty-two weeks during which time the city is rebuilt ( v . 25b ) an " anointed one shall be cut off " ( v . 26a ); this " anointed one " is generally considered to refer to Onias III, whose death at the hands of Seleucid officials outside Jerusalem in 171 / 0 BCE is recorded in 2 Maccabees 4 : 23-28.
- The identification is further supported by the fact that most critical scholars see another reference to Onias III's murder in Daniel 11 : 22, though Goldingay are not inclined to see this as a " chronological miscalculation " on the basis that the seventy weeks are not an exercise in literal chronology, but the more inexact science of " chronography . " Collins opts for something like a middle-ground position in saying that " the figure should be considered a round number rather than a miscalculation . " And there are still others who see the calculations as being at least approximately correct so long as the initial seven week period of forty-nine years can overlap with the sixty-two week period of 434 years, with the latter period spanning the time between Jeremiah's prophecy in 605 / 4 BCE and Onias III's murder in 171 / 0 BCE.