

  1. On October 13, 2012, the first video gameplay of " 0x10c " was released by Persson on the game's website.
  2. On September 15, 2014, Daniel Rosenfeld ( C418 ), who also composed the music for Mojang's previous game, Minecraft, released the soundtrack for " 0x10c " on his Bandcamp page.
  3. Persson and Rosenfeld worked together again after " Minecraft " s success in the creation of a new game titled " 0x10c ", but the game was never released, with Persson halting production in August 2013.
  4. On October 26, 2012, the first multiplayer test was uploaded to the website from Twitch . TV . In an April 2013 interview with Polygon, Persson stated that " 0x10c " development was hit by creative road block and would be put on hold.
  5. Persson also said that the game is " ways off " and that he would be expanding the team, bringing on one other developer to " make sure the game gets made . " On August 13, 2013, Persson confirmed in a live stream that " 0x10c " was indefinitely shelved, adding that the game could potentially be made in the future, if another Mojang employee were interested in continuing its development.


  1. "0th grade"の例文
  2. "0u"の例文
  3. "0verflow"の例文
  4. "0wnz0red"の例文
  5. "0x0000007b"の例文
  6. "0x5f3759df"の例文
  7. "0x5f375a86"の例文
  8. "0xdeadbeef"の例文
  9. "0xffff"の例文
  10. "0~1岁育儿全程指导"の例文
  11. "0wnz0red"の例文
  12. "0x0000007b"の例文
  13. "0x5f3759df"の例文
  14. "0x5f375a86"の例文

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