1 commandoの例文


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  1. During Operation Torch No . 1 Commando became the first unit to wear the commando green beret.
  2. The shoulder insignia of No . 1 Commando had been designed by the Richmond Herald at the College of Arms.
  3. The security forces set up a JOC at Mangula at 09 : 30 on 19 January with 1 Commando present.
  4. The emblem of 1 Commando was a numeral " 1 " and a cheetah contained within a large letter " C ".
  5. Once the design was agreed, Brigadier Robert Laycock was approached by No . 1 Commando to seek his permission to wear it.


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  6. "1 commando brigade"の例文
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  11. "1 cmbg"の例文
  12. "1 combat engineer regiment"の例文
  13. "1 commando brigade"の例文
  14. "1 contra todos"の例文

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