1 corinthians 16の例文


  1. The New English Bible was produced primarily by British and European scholarship ( for example, " Whitsuntide " is rendered in 1 Corinthians 16 : 8 rather than " Pentecost " ).
  2. In 1 Corinthians 16 : 2 it has reading ???????? ( A, B, C, D, F, G, P, ?, 33 ) against ???????? ( 0243, and Byzantine manuscripts );
  3. The school's motto is Greek and derived from the Biblical excerpt from Corinthians, 1 Corinthians 16 : 13, written by St . Paul to Corinthians in the face of Roman imperialism, and the Authorized Version translates it as " Quit ye like men ".
  4. The motto also appears as part of a longer extract, " " ??????? ?? ?? ?????? ?????????? " ", over the main College gate ( the full Greek verse of 1 Corinthians 16 : 13 being " " ??????????, ??????? ? ?? ??????, ?????????, ????????????" " ).
  5. VII . As it is the law of nature, that, in general, a due proportion of time be set apart for the worship of God; so, in His Word, by a positive, moral, and perpetual commandment binding all men in all ages, He has particularly appointed one day in seven, for a Sabbath, to be kept holy unto him : [ Exodus 20 : 8-11, Isaiah 56 : 2-11 ] which, from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ, was the last day of the week : and, from the resurrection of Christ, was changed into the first day of the week, [ Genesis 2 : 2, 1 Corinthians 16 : 1-2, Acts 20 : 7 ] which, in Scripture, is called the Lord's Day, [ Revelation 1 : 10 ] and is to be continued to the end of the world, as the Christian Sabbath . [ Exodus 20 : 8, 10, Matthew 5 : 17-18]


  1. "1 corinthians 11"の例文
  2. "1 corinthians 12"の例文
  3. "1 corinthians 13"の例文
  4. "1 corinthians 14"の例文
  5. "1 corinthians 15"の例文
  6. "1 corinthians 2"の例文
  7. "1 corinthians 3"の例文
  8. "1 corinthians 4"の例文
  9. "1 corinthians 5"の例文
  10. "1 corinthians 6"の例文
  11. "1 corinthians 14"の例文
  12. "1 corinthians 15"の例文
  13. "1 corinthians 2"の例文
  14. "1 corinthians 3"の例文

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