1 scaleの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. The sculpture is a 2 : 1 scale replica of the Liberty Bell.
  2. These include a 350 : 1 scale replica of the CGI model by QMx.
  3. However, the math is simplest when you use the direct 0-1 scale:
  4. Points are awarded on a 9-6-4-3-2-1 scale.
  5. The exhibition continues with a 1 : 1 scale model of a complete slice through the LHC Computing GRID.


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  2. "1 samuel 2"の例文
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  5. "1 saturday morning"の例文
  6. "1 scorpii"の例文
  7. "1 scots"の例文
  8. "1 second"の例文
  9. "1 second everyday"の例文
  10. "1 second film"の例文
  11. "1 satang"の例文
  12. "1 saturday morning"の例文
  13. "1 scorpii"の例文
  14. "1 scots"の例文

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