1 scorpiiの例文


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  1. ? 1 Scorpii is an eclipsing binary of the Beta Lyrae type.
  2. Omega 1 Scorpii is a ? Cephei star that undergoes non-radial pulsations at a rate of 15 cycles per day.
  3. "' Mu 1 Scorpii "'( ? 1 Sco, ? 1 Scorpii ) is a binary star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.
  4. "' Mu 1 Scorpii "'( ? 1 Sco, ? 1 Scorpii ) is a binary star system in the southern zodiac constellation of Scorpius.
  5. Zeta 1 Scorpii ( spectral type O8 and magnitude 4.71 . ) is the brightest star in the association, and one of the most radiant stars known in the galaxy.


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