1 scotsの例文


  1. In September 2014, B Company deployed to Sierra Leone on Operation GRITROCK to help fight the outbreak of Ebola and in September 2015, the 1 SCOTS Battlegroup deployed on Operation TOSCA to Cyprus as part of the ongoing UN peacekeeping operations.
  2. Whilst the white hackle of 2 SCOTS, red hackle of 3 SCOTS and blue hackle of 4 SCOTS have a known ancestry, the origin of 1 SCOTS black hackle and 5 SCOTS green hackle are not clear and have no apparent precedent.
  3. It may be that the black hackle of 1 SCOTS simulates the black-cock tail feathers originally worn in the 1904 pattern Kilmarnock Bonnet and latterly in the regimental Glengarry Cap by the Royal Scots and King's Own Scottish Borderers, who merged in August 2006 to form 1 SCOTS . Alternatively, it may be a sympathetic gesture to a former Lowland regiment, the Cameronians ( Scottish Rifles ), who went into'suspended animation'in 1968 ( and later disbanded ), who wore a black hackle in their rifle green dress Balmoral.
  4. It may be that the black hackle of 1 SCOTS simulates the black-cock tail feathers originally worn in the 1904 pattern Kilmarnock Bonnet and latterly in the regimental Glengarry Cap by the Royal Scots and King's Own Scottish Borderers, who merged in August 2006 to form 1 SCOTS . Alternatively, it may be a sympathetic gesture to a former Lowland regiment, the Cameronians ( Scottish Rifles ), who went into'suspended animation'in 1968 ( and later disbanded ), who wore a black hackle in their rifle green dress Balmoral.


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