10 to 1の例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10
  1. Government statistics say domes tic violence is underreported by 10 to 1.
  2. The cosmic abundance of carbon to silicon is roughly 10 to 1.
  3. Sumitomo Bank Ltd . rose as much as 10 to 1, 500.
  4. Recommended rifling twist is between 1 : 10 to 1 : 20.
  5. The lung cancer risk for women smokers is about 10 to 1.


  1. "10 things"の例文
  2. "10 things i hate about life"の例文
  3. "10 things i hate about you"の例文
  4. "10 things you need to know about losing weight"の例文
  5. "10 thousand"の例文
  6. "10 to 11"の例文
  7. "10 to 4 at the 5 spot"の例文
  8. "10 to midnight"の例文
  9. "10 toronto street"の例文
  10. "10 train"の例文
  11. "10 things you need to know about losing weight"の例文
  12. "10 thousand"の例文
  13. "10 to 11"の例文
  14. "10 to 4 at the 5 spot"の例文

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