100 point checkの例文


  1. "Reporting entities " are required to identify their customers using the 100 point check system.
  2. This practice is not compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard and must be removed from all 100 point check forms.
  3. The 100 point check personal identification system applies to new applicants for an Australian passport, and an Australian passport can in turn be used as an identification document of the passport holder ( worth 70 points in the 100 point check scheme ).
  4. The 100 point check personal identification system applies to new applicants for an Australian passport, and an Australian passport can in turn be used as an identification document of the passport holder ( worth 70 points in the 100 point check scheme ).


  1. "100 pipers"の例文
  2. "100 players who shook the kop"の例文
  3. "100 plus"の例文
  4. "100 pm"の例文
  5. "100 point"の例文
  6. "100 point game"の例文
  7. "100 point games"の例文
  8. "100 points"の例文
  9. "100 prisoners problem"の例文
  10. "100 proof"の例文
  11. "100 pm"の例文
  12. "100 point"の例文
  13. "100 point game"の例文
  14. "100 point games"の例文

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