1004 bcの例文


  1. A single short Kaaau-ndin-a + i ( c . 1006 1004 BC ), but probably only for stylistic purposes as there seems to have been no recorded contact between the kingdoms during this period.
  2. During a subsequent battle against the Jewish King Saul at nearby Mount Gilboa in 1004 BC, the Philistines prevailed . 1 Samuel 31 states that " the victorious Philistines hung the body of King Saul on the walls of Beit She'an ".
  3. His era must have stretched from the reigns of his Babylonian contemporaries, Kaaau-ndin-a + i ( ca 1006 1004 BC ), the midpoint in Aaaur-rabi's reign, and this possibly points to the underlying cause of the Aramean migration.
  4. However, in southern Mesopotamia ( a region corresponding with the old Dynasty of the Sealand ), Dynasty V ( 1025 1004 BC ) arose, this was ruled by Simbar-shipak, leader of a Kassite clan, and was in effect a separate state from Babylon.


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