1009 adの例文


  1. In 1009 AD Mahmud Ghazni attacked Kangra and captured large booty.
  2. Fujiwara no Michinaga s diary ( 1009 AD ) mentions that 1000 copies of the  Lotus Sutra were commissioned but none of these survive.
  3. This trend peaked in 1009 AD when Caliph al Hakim of the Fatimid dynasty, destroyed also the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
  4. "Ly Thai To ", launched on 16 March 2011, was named after L?Th醝 T?, the ?i Vi?t Emperor and founder of the L?Dynasty, who reigned from 1009 AD to 1028 AD.


  1. "1008 bc"の例文
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  9. "1009le无尘布"の例文
  10. "1009年"の例文
  11. "10086邮箱"の例文
  12. "1008年"の例文
  13. "1009 ce"の例文
  14. "1009 fifth avenue"の例文

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