104 bceの例文


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  1. In 104 BCE, he proclaimed it to be one of the most important celebrations and the ceremony would last throughout the night.
  2. Enraged, and thinking Dayuan weak, the Chinese Emperor in 104 BCE sent out Li Guangli, the brother of his favorite concubine.
  3. The palace was built during the reign of John Hyrcanus I ( 134-104 BCE ) or Alexander Jannaeus ( 103-76 BCE ).
  4. The " Tai Chu " lunisolar calendar went into effect in 104 BCE, and remained substantially unchanged for nearly 2, 000 years.
  5. During the reign of king Vatta Gamini Abhaya ( Valagamba, 104 BCE, 88 76 BCE ), the upsakas in their pursuit of worldly gain.


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