105 regiment royal artilleryの例文


  1. At that time 219 Battery disbanded and the regiment was renamed 105 Regiment Royal Artillery ( Volunteers ) . 218 Battery was disbanded in 2005 when the Regiment re roled to field artillery . 105 Regiment was then equipped with the L118 105mm Light Gun.
  2. The design of the button can still be seen on the shield at the centre of the 206 ( Ulster ) Battery, which is part of 105 Regiment Royal Artillery ( Volunteers ), a Territorial Army ( reserve ) regiment in the British Army.


  1. "105 mm"の例文
  2. "105 mm howitzer m2"の例文
  3. "105 mm howitzer m3"の例文
  4. "105 mm indian field gun"の例文
  5. "105 mm light gun"の例文
  6. "105 series"の例文
  7. "105 south washington street"の例文
  8. "105 squadron"の例文
  9. "105 squadron raf"の例文
  10. "105 squadron saaf"の例文
  11. "105 mm indian field gun"の例文
  12. "105 mm light gun"の例文
  13. "105 series"の例文
  14. "105 south washington street"の例文

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